
November 14, 2018

Hey guys! Today we went to school, as usual. We went to Starbucks with Victoria, Bella, and Olivia. Finally, Vic didn't have something to do! Then we all went to our apartment to do homework. Once we finished, we went to Times Square and did some shopping. We all went to Forever 21, and they had some cute stuff. We all got this really cute knitted sweater and some jeans, which we're all going to wear the next time we have school. I say the next time we have school because IT'S SUPPOSED TO SNOW! I'm so excited! I hope we don't have school tomorrow! Comment of the Day: What is the weather like where you live? xoxo -Abby OOTD: Black sweater with mesh sleeves, blue jeans, and Adidas sneakers, hair down

November 13, 2018

Hey guys! Today we went to school, as usual. After school, we met up with Olivia and Bella to get Starbucks. Then, we went to Olivia's apartment to work on our English project (we are all in a group), and do all of our other homework. After that, we went back to our apartment and made dinner with all of our siblings. We made grilled vegetable wraps with hummus, and (almost) everyone pitched in (even Eve, who read us the recipe. She can read, but sometimes she needs a little help from her older sisters and brothers. Ivy, on the other hand, can not read, as she is only 8 months old), so Mom and Dad could have the night off (they spent the entire evening on a huge conference call for their company). After dinner, Abby and I went to our room and did a face mask! Comment of the Day: Do you have any siblings? If so, what are their names and how old are they? We have five! xoxo -Serena OOTD: White Columbia University tee, black leggings, white converse, half up half bun

November 12, 2018

Hey guys! Today we had to go back to school. Mondays can be a little rough, but today was good. Today in biology I got to be in a lab group with Olivia and Victoria (Abby and Bella are in history when we have biology). The week is starting off on the right foot! We had a geometry test today. I got one wrong, and it was because I forgot to put the degrees sign on the angle measure in my answer (*face palm*)! After school, we went to Starbucks and then came home and did homework. I have a huge Spanish test tomorrow and I'm SO NERVOUS. I also am cramming studying right now, so this is not good. But, it will all work out, as it always does. For dinner, Dad made chicken parmesan, which was amazing. I better wrap this up and keep going on my Spanish. My advice to you all: remember your degrees signs and hace calor means it's hot! Comment of the Day: What are your best school life hacks? What helps you to fit it all in? xoxo -Serena OOTD: Army green distressed t-shirt, black rip...

November 11, 2018

Hey guys! Today was a really chill day. We got our homework done, and then we spent the rest of the day with our siblings. We had lunch at Chick-fil-a, which was SUCH a treat. After that, we went to Olivia's apartment to hang out. We had a Pictionary tournament with her and Bella. We won (twin power!), and it was so much fun! For dinner, Serena and I made pistachio salmon. It was SO GOOD! Comment of the Day: What is your favorite game to play with your friends? xoxo -Abby OOTD: Pale pink off-the-shoulder top, black ripped jeans, white and black Adidas, half-up half-down ponytail.

November 9, 2018

Hey guys! I didn't have time to post this last night, so this morning it is! Every night, either Serena or I will post about what we did that day. With the holidays coming up, it's going to get a lot more exciting! Yesterday we went to school, per the usual, and picked up Starbucks for us and our mom on the way home. I got the mango dragonfruit refresher, and Serena got the strawberry acai refresher. After we got home and did our homework, Bella and Olivia came over, and we went walking around a Rockefeller Plaza, something we do quite often in the fall and winter. We stopped in the Lego Store to pick up a birthday present for Carter. After heading home, we had dinner as a family and then did a face mask before bed! Comment of the Day: Who are your best friends? Ours are Bella, Olivia, and Victoria. You'll hear a lot more about them! xoxo -Abby OOTD: Beige knitted sweater, light wash ripped jeans, white vans, two dutch braids.

Two Girls in the Big City

Hello Everyone! We are Serena and Abby, 14-year-old twins living in New York City. We have five siblings, Carter (12), Eliza (11), Grant (9), Eve (3), and Ivy (8 months). Living in the Big Apple is full of fun adventures and this blog is about our life! Check back every day for daily posts!